Home / Who is 8662958602 and why are they calling me?

Who is 8662958602 and why are they calling me?

  • Phone number 8662958602 is likely a debt collector called:' Portfolio Recovery Associates'.
  • Your credit score likely dropped because this is potentially a debt collection on your report.
  • Call 1(888)-488-5855 and learn how we can help you potentially improve your score.
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Be on the lookout for a number that 'Portfolio Recovery Associates' uses more often: 8664300311

Why is 8662958602 calling me

If 8662958602 keeps popping up on your phone, you're likely dealing with a debt collector—possibly Portfolio Recovery Associates—or a spam caller dinging your credit score. It's annoying and stressful, but it could also signal issues with your financial well-being. Ignoring these calls might offer temporary relief, but it's not a long-term solution.

Portfolio Recovery Associates probably bought an outstanding debt linked to this number, and now they’re relentless in trying to collect. Sometimes, an intermediary company handles the dirty work. Blocking or ignoring the number may cut stress in the moment, but it won’t fix the deeper financial problem affecting your credit report.

The smartest move is to call The Credit Pros at the number linked above. We’ll have a simple, no-pressure chat to review your 3-bureau credit report. This will help us confirm whether this debt is legitimate and spot any other negative items pulling your score down. We've helped countless people like you remove potentially inaccurate negative items, often boosting their credit score and overall financial security. Make the call and take control—no more harassing calls, and a better financial future awaits.

Who Is 8662958602: Scam Or Legitimate?

If 866-295-8602 is contacting you, it's likely related to a debt collection, possibly from Portfolio Recovery Associates. However, this could also be a scam. You should take these steps to protect yourself:

1. Verify the Debt: Ask for detailed information about the debt and their company. You must research to ensure they're legitimate.
2. Request Documentation: Send a written request for debt confirmation. Legitimate collectors are required by law to provide this information.
3. Check Your Credit Report: Review your credit report for any inaccuracies or negative items. This will help you assess the legitimacy of the claim.

For a thorough evaluation, get a free 3-bureau credit report analysis with The Credit Pros. We can help you dispute inaccuracies and verify any debt.

Never provide personal financial information over the phone unless you're certain the caller is legitimate. If the caller is overly aggressive or refuses to provide information, it's likely a scam. Stay cautious and informed.

To sum up, always verify debts, request documentation, check your credit report, and avoid giving out personal info unless you're sure of the caller's legitimacy. Stay safe and informed!

How Do I Stop 8662958602 From Harassing Me (How To Report Them)?

To stop 8662958602 from harassing you, start by documenting each call. Keep track of the dates, times, and details of every conversation to have a clear record.

Next, register your number at DoNotCall.gov to block the number through your phone's settings. This helps reduce unwanted calls and provides a basis for further action.

You should also consider legal and reporting actions to ensure the harassment stops. File a complaint with the CFPB at consumerfinance.gov/complaint or call (855) 411-2372. Report the issue to the FCC at fcc.gov/complaints and the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

If the harassment continues or gets worse, consider obtaining a restraining order and sending a cease and desist letter using the template at eforms.com/cease-and-desist.

Using call-blocking apps can further aid you in preventing these calls. For Android, try 'Call Blocker - Stop spam calls,' and for Apple, use 'Robokiller: Spam Call Blocker.' You can also contact your phone carrier to inquire about additional call-blocking tools.

Lastly, consider using Nomorobo to block unwanted robocalls effectively.

To wrap things up-document everything, register with the Do Not Call Registry, report to relevant authorities, use call-blocking tools, and consider legal actions if necessary. This way, you take control and stop the harassment from 8662958602.

Stop the harassment today. Reach out to us for expert help. Call (888) 488-5855

Should I Block Or Ignore 8662958602?

You should block the number 8662958602. Ignoring or blocking calls from this number won't negatively affect you, especially if it’s from a debt collector like Portfolio Recovery Associates. Blocking them can reduce stress and stop potential harassment, and it won’t impact your credit score further.

To handle the situation effectively, you should work with a reputable credit repair company. They can help remove any incorrect negative items from your credit report. Blocking the number and focusing on improving your credit with professional help is a proactive move. Your score won’t drop just because you block the number.

If the calls are from a legitimate debt collector, they should contact you by mail, allowing you to address any real issues calmly and professionally.

Key Steps:
- Block the number: Use your smartphone’s built-in features to block specific numbers.
- Work with a credit repair company: Get assistance in removing inaccurate negative items from your credit report.
- Monitor your credit report: Ensure no new negative items appear.

In the end, you should block the number to reduce stress and use professional help to improve your credit. This approach allows you to deal with real issues efficiently.

Can A Debt Collector Like 8662958602 Sue Me?

Yes, a debt collector like 8662958602 can sue you, but it’s very unlikely. They usually do this as a last resort when the amount you owe is significant, typically over $5,000, because suing is costly and time-consuming for them.

Here’s why a lawsuit from a debt collector is unlikely:

- Proof of Debt: They must prove you owe the debt, the amount is correct, and that they have the legal right to sue. This can be difficult if the debt has changed hands multiple times.
- Cost and Effort: Lawsuits are expensive and time-consuming. Many collectors prefer settling out of court to avoid these costs.
- Statute of Limitations: Each state has a specific time frame within which a debt collector can sue you. If the debt is old, it might be beyond this period, making a lawsuit less likely.
- Other Methods First: They typically use calls and letters to collect the debt first.

If they decide to sue, you will receive a court summons and complaint. It’s crucial to respond within the specified deadline to avoid a default judgment, which could lead to wage garnishment or bank account levies. However, this scenario is still very unlikely.

As always, you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If you are sued, consider consulting with an attorney to understand your options and defenses.

Here are some practical steps you can take:

- Know Your Rights: Understand and assert your rights under the FDCPA.
- Verify the Debt: Make sure the debt is valid.
- Respond to Court Summons: Always respond to a court summons to avoid a default judgment.

As a final point, remember to know your rights, verify the debt, and respond to any court summons to navigate your situation effectively with a debt collector.

Worried about legal action? Call now to understand your rights. Call (888) 488-5855

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8662958602 Might Have Your Personal Information

The number 8662958602 might have your personal information because it's linked to a debt collector. It's important that you don't provide any info to them. Ideally, you shouldn't even answer their calls. Debt collectors often ask for sensitive info, making you vulnerable to scams or identity theft.

Here's what we advise you to do instead:
- Get your 3-bureau credit report to check for any discrepancies.
- Start making a plan to improve your credit.
- Work with a reputable credit repair company to handle any inaccuracies or disputes on your report.

Bringing it all together, it's crucial that you avoid engaging with calls from 8662958602, check your credit report, and seek help from a reputable credit repair company to protect your personal information and manage your credit situation.

Protect your personal information. Speak with our experts today. Call (888) 488-5855

Types Of Debt Collected By 8662958602

8662958602 collects different types of debt such as credit card debt, auto loans, cell phone bills, and other personal loans. They usually don't buy the debt but collect it on behalf of the original creditors. You might receive written notices and calls from them to recover what you owe.

It's crucial that you verify the debt belongs to you before making any payments. If it's not yours, you should dispute it promptly to avoid any negative impact on your credit. Contact the original creditor for verification and keep records of all communications.

All things considered, verifying the debt and keeping thorough records are key steps you need to take to manage any inquiries from 8662958602 effectively.

How Do I Check If I Owe Money To 8662958602?

To check if you owe money to 866-295-8602, start by gathering any related documents like final bills, account statements, or receipts from equipment returns. Then, review your credit report for any entries linked to Portfolio Recovery Associates. If you find a debt, request validation from the collection agency to verify its accuracy.

First, look through your old bills, account statements, and any relevant paperwork to see if you missed any payments. Next, review your credit report. You’re entitled to a free credit report from each of the major credit reporting agencies once a year. If Portfolio Recovery Associates is reporting any debt you might owe, send a written request to them asking for validation. They should provide details about the original creditor, the amount, and proof that you owe the money.

If you believe the debt is incorrect, you can dispute it. However, disputing debt yourself might be time-consuming and could take months. If you're facing harassment or need help disputing the debt, consider consulting a consumer protection lawyer.

Lastly, avoid contacting the number directly until you've gathered all necessary information. This can prevent accidentally resetting the statute of limitations on old debts.

Need to verify your debts? Contact us for a thorough check. Call (888) 488-5855

Which Debt Collection Laws And Regulations Protect Me From 8662958602

To protect yourself from any debt collector, including those from 8662958602, you benefit from several debt collection laws and regulations. Here’s a breakdown:

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is the primary federal law that covers debt collection practices. It prohibits third-party debt collectors from using abusive, deceptive, or unfair practices. They can't contact you before 8 AM or after 9 PM, at work if your employer disallows it, or use obscene language or threats. They also can't falsely claim to be attorneys or government representatives or disclose your debt to third parties.

State Debt Collection Laws often provide additional protections. For example, New York has strict licensing requirements for debt collectors. You should check with your state’s attorney general’s office for specific state laws.

Debt collectors must send you a written validation notice within five days of their first contact. This notice includes details about your debt, the name of the creditor, and your rights to dispute the debt. If you dispute the debt in writing within 30 days, the collector must provide verification before continuing collection efforts.

As for your consumer rights, you can request in writing that a debt collector stops contacting you. They must then only contact you to confirm they won’t contact you again or to inform you of specific legal actions. If you have an attorney, the collector must communicate only with them. You can report violations to the FTC, CFPB, or your state attorney general. You may also sue for FDCPA violations within one year, with potential recovery of actual and statutory damages up to $1,000, plus attorney fees and costs.

Finally, understanding these laws and knowing your rights helps you manage interactions with debt collectors like those from 8662958602. If you believe there’s a violation, take action, and we are here to help you navigate these situations.

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Does 8662958602/Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc Have Any Lawsuits Against Them?

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC has faced numerous lawsuits and official complaints. Here are the key ones:

- CFPB Action (2023): The CFPB filed a complaint against PRA for violating a 2015 order. This resulted in a proposed judgment requiring PRA to pay $24.18 million in consumer redress and penalties due to illegal debt collection practices.
- CFPB Action (2015): In 2015, the CFPB ordered PRA to pay over $27 million for deceptive debt collection tactics such as collecting unsubstantiated debt and suing on time-barred debt.
- Consumer Financial Complaints: Many consumers have filed complaints with the CFPB and Better Business Bureau, alleging serious violations like using false information during collections.

If you're affected by these practices, it’s essential that you consult with an attorney for advice.

In closing, Portfolio Recovery Associates has been involved in several legal actions due to illegal debt collection practices. Make sure you seek legal advice if you’re dealing with them.

What Do People Online Say About 8662958602?

Online, people have a lot to say about the number 866-295-8602:

You can find numerous comments about this number on Reddit and Robokiller. On Reddit, soNotARealName shared, "This healthcare debt collector calls me with a bill that was paid, so I disputed the debt to which they sent me a HIPPA consent form allowing them full access to my medical records so they can investigate."

On Robokiller:
- Anonymous users mentioned, "Portfolio Recovery scam debts."
- Another noted, "The call came through, January 24, 2024 Nonstop."
- One said, "Told them before they have the wrong number for person they're looking for but they still keep calling."
- Another shared, "Not sure what they want but I'm not the person they are trying to contact yet they continue to call."
- Someone else observed, "Spam using multiple numbers to bypass blocks."

Additionally, on various platforms, users frequently label this number as "Telemarketer" and "Debt Collector."

Overall, if you receive calls from 866-295-8602, you might be dealing with persistent telemarketing or debt collection efforts that many people find frustrating and disruptive.

Do I Really Need To Remove 8662958602 From My Credit Report?

Yes, you really need to remove 8662958602 from your credit report if you confirm that this collection is on your report and identify it as potentially inaccurate. Inaccurate information might harm your credit score.

Disputing it yourself can be time-consuming. Instead, consider reaching out to a reputable company like The Credit Pros. They are effective in removing potentially inaccurate negative items and are highly rated compared to other typical credit repair companies.

Here's a clear action plan:
- Confirm the collection is on your report.
- Identify it as "potentially inaccurate."
- Instead of disputing it yourself, save time by contacting The Credit Pros.

As a final point, always ensure you confirm inaccuracies, save your time by not disputing alone, and reach out to reliable experts like The Credit Pros to protect your credit score.

Wondering if you should remove this number from your report? Speak with us to find out. Call (888) 488-5855

Here are other formats 8662958602 can be written

- +1 866-295-8602
- +1 (866) 295-8602
- +1 866 295 8602
- (866) 295-8602
- 866-295-8602
- 866.295.8602
- 866 295 8602
- +18662958602
- (866) 295-8602
- 866.295.8602
- 8662958602

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Below is a list of every other phone number that Portfolio Recovery Associates uses::

Every number you see below is separate number that ‘Collection’ uses to attempt to collect a potentially inaccurate debt on your credit report and/or spam you.

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