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Who is 8009001361 and why are they calling me?

  • Phone number 8009001361 is likely a debt collector called:' Credit Control, LLC'.
  • Your credit score likely dropped because this is potentially a debt collection on your report.
  • Call 1(888)-488-5855 and learn how we can help you potentially improve your score.
List of company featuring our services Why is 8009001361 calling me

If you’re getting calls from 800-900-1361, a debt collector like Credit Control, LLC is likely trying to reach you. This can seriously affect your credit score if you don't address it promptly. Ignoring their calls might seem like a quick fix, but it’s not a long-term solution and could lead to more harassment and financial troubles.

Credit Control, LLC might have purchased an outstanding debt of yours and is now trying to collect it. Even if you block or ignore their calls, the issue remains. To stop the harassment and tackle the problem head-on, you need a proper plan and immediate action.

Call The Credit Pros for the best step forward. We’ll have a quick, stress-free conversation to evaluate your credit report from all three bureaus. We’ve helped many individuals like you remove potentially inaccurate negative items, boosting their credit scores and financial well-being. Don’t let these calls jeopardize your financial security—take control today!

Who Is 8009001361: Scam Or Legitimate?

The phone number 800-900-1361 is linked to a debt collection agency. When you get a call from this number, approach it with caution since it could be legitimate or a scam.

Here's what you should do:

- Do Not Engage: Don't engage with the caller directly.
- Check Your Credit Report: Pull your credit report from all three bureaus to spot any inaccuracies or negative items.
- Verify the Debt: If the number appears as a collection or negative item, verify any debts directly yourself.
- Seek Professional Help: Contact us at The Credit Pros. We can help verify the debt and dispute inaccuracies.

To sum up, it's important that you don't engage directly, you verify debts through your credit report, and you seek help from professionals like us to handle any potential issues.

How Do I Stop 8009001361 From Harassing Me (How To Report Them)?

If you want to stop 800-900-1361 from harassing you, here’s what you can do:

First, you should document every call. Keep a log with dates, times, and any abusive language used. Register your number with the Do Not Call Registry. If the calls continue, block the number on your phone or ask your service provider for help.

Next, report the harassment to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You can also send a cease and desist letter using a template from eforms.com. If the harassment doesn't stop, consult a harassment lawyer or consider getting a restraining order.

Use call-blocking apps like ‘Call Blocker - Stop spam calls’ for Android or 'Robokiller: Spam Call Blocker' for Apple. Additionally, file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) either online, by phone at (855) 411-2372, or by mail.

You can also explore more options with your phone carrier for additional call-blocking services. Check with local or state consumer protection offices for further assistance. Report and block unwanted robocalls using Nomorobo.

To wrap things up - log every call, block the number, report the harassment to the FTC or FCC, send a cease and desist letter, use call-blocking apps, and reach out to the CFPB or a lawyer if needed. These steps will help you stop 800-900-1361 from harassing you.

Stop the harassment today. Reach out to us for expert help. Call (888) 488-5855

Should I Block Or Ignore 8009001361?

You should block the number 800-900-1361. This number is associated with Credit Control, a debt collection agency. Blocking them can give you immediate relief from their calls, and it won’t affect your credit score.

However, if you owe a debt, ignoring these calls won’t make it go away and might lead to more aggressive collection attempts. If the calls feel harassing, remember you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to protect you from abusive practices.

It could help to work with a reputable credit repair company to manage or remove negative items from your credit report. After blocking the number, contact a credit repair service for assistance.

In the end, blocking the number 800-900-1361 can relieve you from their calls, but consider addressing any debts with a credit repair company to handle the situation effectively.

Can A Debt Collector Like 8009001361 Sue Me?

Yes, a debt collector like 800-900-1361 (associated with Credit Control, LLC) can sue you, but it’s not common. They usually consider lawsuits a last resort, typically for debts over $5,000.

Here’s what you need to know:

- Proof of Debt: They must prove you owe the debt, the amount is correct, and they have the legal right to sue. This often gets complicated, especially if the debt has changed hands multiple times.
- Cost and Effort: Suing is expensive and time-consuming. Collectors usually prefer settling out of court to avoid these costs.
- Statute of Limitations: States have specific time frames within which a debt collector can sue. If the debt is old, it might be beyond this period, reducing the likelihood of a lawsuit.
- Alternative Methods: Collectors typically use calls and letters to collect the debt first.

If they decide to sue, you’ll receive a court summons and complaint. You must respond within the deadline to avoid a default judgment, which could lead to wage garnishment or bank account levies.

Remember, you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to protect you from abusive practices. If you receive a lawsuit, consider consulting with an attorney to understand your options.

As a final point - knowing that a debt collector like 800-900-1361 can sue, it's crucial to understand the process, your rights, and to seek legal advice if necessary, as this can help you navigate the situation more effectively and avoid further complications.

Worried about legal action? Call now to understand your rights. Call (888) 488-5855

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8009001361 Might Have Your Personal Information

8009001361 might have your personal information because it’s a number used by Credit Control, a debt collection agency. Here’s what you should do:

- Don’t provide any information: Never share your personal info with debt collectors when they call. This helps protect your identity and avoid potential scams.
- Don't pick up: It's better not to answer calls from numbers you don't recognize, especially from debt collectors. Engaging with them could lead to more persistent calls.
- Check your credit reports: Regardless of these calls, you should get your credit reports from the three major bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). This helps you spot any inaccuracies or signs of identity theft.
- Work with a reputable credit repair company: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a trusted credit repair company can help manage and improve your credit. They can assist with disputing errors and managing your credit more effectively.

Bringing it all together - by avoiding direct engagement, checking your credit reports, and working with a reputable credit repair company, you can protect yourself from potential harassment and ensure your credit remains in good standing.

Protect your personal information. Speak with our experts today. Call (888) 488-5855

Types Of Debt Collected By 8009001361

Credit Control, LLC, associated with the phone number 800-900-1361, primarily deals with collecting various types of debts. They typically handle unpaid bills such as credit card debts, medical bills, personal loans, and other delinquent accounts from different creditors. These debts are often accounts that original creditors have not successfully collected, which are then sold to companies like Credit Control, LLC, to pursue.

If you receive calls from 800-900-1361, it's crucial to understand they might be trying to collect on any of these debts. Always request verification of the debt to ensure it is legitimate. This step helps you avoid paying for any inaccuracies or fraudulent claims.

We recommend contacting a credit repair company if you feel harassed or need further assistance. They can provide professional help to handle any disputes or inaccuracies on your credit report.

All things considered, you should verify the debt, seek professional help, and protect your financial well-being by taking proactive steps.

How Do I Check If I Owe Money To 8009001361?

To check if you owe money to the number 800-900-1361, follow these steps:

First, review your own records for any final bills, account statements, or equipment return receipts. Look for any payment that might have been missed or forgotten.

Next, get a free copy of your credit report from AnnualCreditReport.com. Look for any accounts or debts listed under the name of Credit Control, LLC, who operates with the number 800-900-1361.

If you find a debt from Credit Control on your report, you have the right to ask them to validate it. Write to them and request official verification of the debt, including the original amount, details of the creditor, and documentation proving you owe it.

Avoid contacting the debt collector directly, as this could revive the statute of limitations on old debts. Instead, handle all communications in writing.

If you feel harassed by Credit Control’s calls, consult a consumer protection lawyer. They can help determine if your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) have been violated.

Lastly, by reviewing your records, checking your credit report, and requesting debt validation in writing, you can ensure you handle the situation properly without causing more issues.

Need to verify your debts? Contact us for a thorough check. Call (888) 488-5855

Which Debt Collection Laws And Regulations Protect Me From 8009001361

If you’re receiving calls from 800-900-1361 and worried about your rights, several laws and regulations protect you from unfair debt collection practices. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA): This federal law is your primary shield against abusive, deceptive, or unfair debt collection practices. It applies to personal, family, and household debts, including credit cards and medical bills.
- Prohibited Conduct: Collectors cannot:
- Contact you before 8 AM or after 9 PM.
- Call you at work if your employer forbids it.
- Use obscene language or threats.
- Harass you with repeated calls.
- Misrepresent themselves as attorneys or government officials.
- Disclose your debt to third parties without your consent.
- Required Disclosures: Collectors must provide a written validation notice about the debt, including the amount owed and your rights to dispute it.
2. State Debt Collection Laws: Many states have additional laws that offer even more protection. For example, some states require debt collectors to be licensed and adhere to stricter guidelines than the FDCPA.
3. Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA): This law regulates telephone solicitations, including debt collection calls. Violations can result in significant penalties.

Your Rights:
- Stop Communication: You can request in writing that the debt collector stops contacting you.
- Dispute the Debt: If you dispute the debt within 30 days, the collector must provide verification before continuing their attempts.
- Report Violations: You can report abusive practices to the FTC, CFPB, or your state attorney general. You may also sue for violations and recover damages.

What to Do If Harassed:
- Document all calls and attempts at contact.
- Send a cease-and-desist letter to the debt collector.
- Seek legal advice if the harassment continues.

Finally, understanding these laws helps ensure that agencies like Credit Control, LLC, respect your rights. If you need further assistance, consider consulting a consumer protection attorney or contacting a credit professional for help.

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Does 8009001361/Credit Control Have Any Lawsuits Against Them?

Credit Control, LLC does indeed have some lawsuits and numerous official complaints against them. Here are a few specifics:

- There are no specific named lawsuits listed directly against Credit Control, LLC in the provided context.

Official Complaints:
1. BBB Complaints: Over the last three years, 199 complaints were filed against Credit Control Corporation on its BBB profile.
2. CFPB Complaints: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau received 218 complaints against Credit Control Corporation. Issues include unfair debt collection practices, harassment, contacting for a debt not owed, and refusing to remove paid debts from credit reports.

If you are dealing with Credit Control, LLC and facing any issues, you might consider seeking legal advice or filing a complaint with relevant regulatory bodies. Each of these steps can help you protect your rights.

In closing, Credit Control, LLC faces multiple complaints and no specific lawsuits per the provided context, so if you have issues with them, consider legal advice or regulatory complaints to safeguard your rights.

What Do People Online Say About 8009001361?

Based on user feedback about the phone number 800-900-1361, here are some direct quotes from various online sources:

- "Debt collector, phishing or collection scam. Any legitimate company caller ID number would be widely published on legitimate directory and website." - Robokiller, September 7, 2023
- "Debt collection for my ex boyfriend/ not me." - Robokiller, July 12, 2023
- "Scam." - Robokiller, April 28, 2023
- "Name not given. They called me and robot asked me why I called them." - Robokiller, April 12, 2023
- "Spam." - Robokiller, April 3, 2023
- "Debt collector." - Robokiller, October 1, 2022
- "Spoofing number." - Robokiller, July 3, 2022
- "Do not answer scammer/Spam." - Robokiller, November 12, 2021
- "Ambulance." - Robokiller, November 2, 2021
- "Penn Credit Debt Collections from Harrisburg PA." - Robokiller, October 1, 2021
- "Fake debt collection." - Robokiller, August 13, 2021
- "Debt Collector business is super weird, A stranger calls you and asks you for your sensitive identity information before they'll tell you what this call is for, and the call is recorded." - Reddit User, January 20, 2024

The comments suggest you are receiving a mix of legitimate debt collection efforts and potential scams from 800-900-1361. Some users highlight it as a debt collector possibly linked to Penn Credit, while others report it as a scam or spam. Multiple users mention not receiving clear information from the caller, adding to the suspicion and distrust around this number.

Overall, it seems opinions are divided with some believing it's a legitimate debt collector and others thinking it's a scam or spam.

Do I Really Need To Remove 8009001361 From My Credit Report?

Yes, you should remove 8009001361 from your credit report if you confirm that the collection listed is potentially inaccurate.

You should avoid hiring a typical credit repair company, as many are poorly rated and deceptive. Disputing this on your own takes a lot of time and energy. Instead, save yourself the effort by reaching out to a reputable company. A good credit repair company, like The Credit Pros, can make a world of difference.

By doing so, you benefit from expert assistance which can improve your chances of removing the potentially inaccurate negative item from your credit report and avoid the pitfalls associated with many lesser-known credit repair firms.

As a final point, remember to verify inaccuracies yourself and consider a trusted credit repair company to handle any disputes to save time and ensure success.

Wondering if you should remove this number from your report? Speak with us to find out. Call (888) 488-5855

Here are other formats 8009001361 can be written

- +1 800-900-1361
- +1 (800) 900-1361
- +1 800 900 1361
- (800) 900-1361
- 800-900-1361
- 800.900.1361
- 800 900 1361
- +18009001361
- (800) 900-1361
- 800.900.1361
- 8009001361

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Below is a list of every other phone number that Credit Control, LLC uses::

Every number you see below is separate number that ‘Collection’ uses to attempt to collect a potentially inaccurate debt on your credit report and/or spam you.

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