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Who is 8004838314 and why are they calling me?

  • Phone number 8004838314 is likely a debt collector called:' GTL AdvancePay'.
  • Your credit score likely dropped because this is potentially a debt collection on your report.
  • Call 1(888)-488-5855 and learn how we can help you potentially improve your score.
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Be on the lookout for a number that 'GTL AdvancePay' uses more often: 8009556600

Why is 8004838314 calling me

If you're getting calls from 8004838314, GTL AdvancePay might be behind it. They facilitate inmate calls. Some folks consider these calls scams, possibly harming your credit score. This number might also link to collections, meaning they bought a debt of yours and want to collect it. Blocking or ignoring the call stops the harassment but doesn't solve the problem.

If this is a debt collector, they're probably trying to recover an old debt. Ignoring these calls won't make the debt vanish; it just delays the issue. The best move is to take control. Contact The Credit Pros at the number above for a no-pressure look at your 3-bureau credit report. This will clarify if GTL AdvancePay has legitimate claims and reveal other problems affecting your score.

Many people found relief through our services by removing potentially inaccurate items harming their financial well-being. With our help, you can improve your credit score and secure your financial future. Plus, you'll finally stop those harassing calls from 8004838314. Don't let this affect your financial security—act now and take control.

Who Is 8004838314: Scam Or Legitimate?

8004838314 is associated with GTL AdvancePay, a service that connects inmates with their families through calls from correctional facilities. However, the legitimacy of these calls is a mixed bag. Some users find it reliable, while others have flagged it as a potential scam.

Here's what we advise you to do:

- Do not engage with the caller or share any personal information, especially your credit card details.
- Get a free credit report evaluation to spot any inaccuracies or negative items affecting your credit score.
- If you see GTL AdvancePay on your credit report, it's likely legitimate, but you should still avoid responding directly to the calls.
- Contact The Credit Pros for professional help to verify any debt, dispute inaccuracies, and improve your financial situation.

Block the number and consult a credit repair professional for guidance.

To sum up, you should avoid engaging with the caller, get a free credit report check, block the number, and seek professional help from The Credit Pros to verify any debts and handle inaccuracies.

How Do I Stop 8004838314 From Harassing Me (How To Report Them)?

To stop 800-483-8314 from harassing you and report them, follow these steps:

1. Document Unwanted Interactions: Keep a detailed log of each call, noting dates, times, and the nature of any abusive language.
2. Register on Do Not Call Registry: Visit DoNotCall.gov and sign up your phone number to help reduce unwanted calls.
3. Block the Number: Use your phone’s built-in call-blocking feature or contact your service provider for assistance.
4. File Complaints:
- FCC: Report unwanted calls to the FCC at fcc.gov/complaints.
- FTC: For telemarketing violations, report at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.
- CFPB: For credit-related issues, submit a complaint at consumerfinance.gov/complaint.
5. Use Call-Blocking Apps:
- Android: Use 'Call Blocker - Stop spam calls.'
- Apple: Try 'Robokiller: Spam Call Blocker.'
6. Cease and Desist Letter: Send a cease and desist letter to stop the calls. Templates are available at eforms.com/cease-and-desist.
7. Contact Your Phone Carrier: Ask your provider about additional call-blocking tools and options.
8. Seek Legal Help: If the harassment continues, consider contacting a harassment lawyer or obtaining a restraining order.

To wrap things up - make sure you document unwanted interactions, register on the Do Not Call Registry, block the number, file complaints with the appropriate authorities, use call-blocking apps, send a cease and desist letter, contact your phone carrier, and seek legal help if necessary. This process empowers you to stop and report harassment from 800-483-8314 effectively.

Stop the harassment today. Reach out to us for expert help. Call (888) 488-5855

Should I Block Or Ignore 8004838314?

If you're dealing with unwanted calls from 800-483-8314, you should block it. This number is tied to GTL AdvancePay, an inmate calling system provider. Blocking it won't affect your credit score or relate to any debts.

If these calls come from a debt collector, blocking them can stop the harassment. However, don't ignore possible debt issues. Work with a reputable credit repair company to address any inaccuracies or disputes on your credit report. This proactive approach helps you manage your credit health without the stress of unwanted calls.

Here's what you should do:
- Block the number to stop the calls.
- Contact a credit repair company for help with any debt or credit report disputes.
- Regularly check your credit report for any changes or new entries.

In the end, blocking 800-483-8314 will save you from annoying calls, and addressing any credit issues with professional help will ensure your financial health stays in good shape.

Can A Debt Collector Like 8004838314 Sue Me?

Yes, a debt collector like 800-483-8314 can sue you, but this is usually a last resort. Suing is costly and time-consuming, so collectors prefer it for substantial amounts, often over $5,000. They must prove you owe the debt, the amount is correct, and they have the legal right to sue, which can be challenging if the debt has been sold multiple times.

Debt collectors generally opt to call or send letters to get you to pay before considering a lawsuit. You should be aware that each state has a statute of limitations, which sets a time limit for how long debt collectors can sue you. If your debt is old, it might be beyond this period, making a lawsuit less likely.

If you're sued, they will send you a court summons and complaint. You must respond within the specified deadline to avoid a default judgment, which could lead to wage garnishment or bank account levies.

Remember, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects you from abusive practices by debt collectors. We recommend consulting an attorney if you're sued to understand your options and defenses.

As a final point, it's crucial you understand your rights, respond promptly to a court summons, and consult a lawyer if necessary to protect yourself from potential wage garnishment or levies.

Worried about legal action? Call now to understand your rights. Call (888) 488-5855

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8004838314 Might Have Your Personal Information

When 8004838314 calls you, they might have your personal information. You should avoid providing any details to debt collectors. Ideally, don't even answer their calls. Ignoring their calls helps prevent you from accidentally sharing sensitive information.

You should get your 3-bureau credit report. This will help you understand your credit situation and see if there are any inaccuracies or negative items reported by GTL AdvancePay.

Here’s what we advise you to do:
- Block the number to stop the calls.
- Obtain your 3-bureau credit report to identify any issues.
- Contact a reputable credit repair company for assistance.

Bringing it all together - by blocking the number, checking your credit report, and working with a credit repair company, you can manage your credit more effectively and avoid the stress of dealing directly with debt collectors.

Protect your personal information. Speak with our experts today. Call (888) 488-5855

Types Of Debt Collected By 8004838314

Debt collectors using the number 8004838314 usually handle different types of debt. You might encounter them for personal loans, credit card debt, or medical bills. They often acquire these debts from various creditors. Remember, you have rights and can request verification of any debt.

- Personal loans
- Credit card debt
- Medical bills

It's crucial that you know your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Seek help if necessary.

All things considered, understanding the types of debt collected by 8004838314 and knowing your rights can help you handle any concerns wisely.

How Do I Check If I Owe Money To 8004838314?

To check if you owe money to 800-483-8314, start by looking through your financial records for any final bills, account statements, or receipts from GTL AdvancePay.

Next, review your credit report for any collections related to GTL AdvancePay. You can get a free report from websites like AnnualCreditReport.com. If you find a related debt collection, contact the collection agency to request debt validation. This will ensure that the debt is accurate and legitimate.

It's crucial that you avoid contacting 800-483-8314 directly to prevent restarting the statute of limitations on any potential debt.

If disputing the debt seems too daunting, consider consulting a credit repair company or a consumer protection lawyer to handle inaccuracies and stop any harassment.

Lastly, by thoroughly reviewing your records and credit report and seeking professional help if needed, you can understand and resolve any issues with GTL AdvancePay debt confidently.

Need to verify your debts? Contact us for a thorough check. Call (888) 488-5855

Which Debt Collection Laws And Regulations Protect Me From 8004838314

If you’re dealing with 800-483-8314, several debt collection laws and regulations protect you. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is the main federal law that safeguards your rights. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors can't:

- Call you before 8 AM or after 9 PM.
- Use abusive language or threat.
- Contact you at work if your employer doesn’t allow it.
- Lie about their identity or disclose your debt to others.

Debt collectors must also provide a validation notice in writing, detailing the debt amount, creditor's name, and your rights to dispute the debt. If you dispute the debt in writing within 30 days, they must stop collecting until they verify it.

State laws may offer additional protections, such as more consumer rights and licensing requirements for debt collectors. You can also ask debt collectors to stop contacting you by sending a written request. If you have a lawyer, the debt collector must communicate with your lawyer. If a debt collector violates the FDCPA, you can sue them within one year and recover damages.

Finally, know your rights and protect yourself. Contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or your state attorney general's office if you think a debt collector is violating the law.

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Does 8004838314/Gtl Advancepay Have Any Lawsuits Against Them?

Yes, 8004838314/GTL AdvancePay has faced lawsuits. Here's what you need to know:

1. Githieya v. Global Tel Link Corp.: GTL was accused of improperly keeping funds from prepaid AdvancePay accounts after 180 days of inactivity. They settled the case by agreeing to pay $67 million, providing refunds, and updating their inactivity policy.

Many official complaints about GTL AdvancePay focus on poor service and undisclosed fees:

- Unexpected Fees: You might find unexpected service charges that weren’t clearly communicated when you set up your account.
- Call Quality and Account Issues: Customers have reported issues with call quality and delays in account setups.
- Refund Delays: There are numerous reports about long waits and lack of transparency when getting refunds for unused account balances.

In closing, GTL AdvancePay has been involved in legal actions and has received many complaints regarding unexpected fees, call quality, and refund delays.

What Do People Online Say About 8004838314?

People online have mixed opinions about the phone number 800-483-8314, which is associated with GTL AdvancePay. Here's what people are saying:

Mimi shared frustration, "It's getting annoying... all ratings Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews." Worried commented, "This number keeps calling me and asking for my credit card information because someone in prison was trying to get in contact with me. Don't trust this number." However, Kristelynn countered, "It is not a scam." Techno added, "This automated message calls in the dead of night & leaves a message about an inmate trying to make a collect call to my number. I don't know any inmates… I'm not falling for this scam. BE WARNED!"

Others, like Frustrated, mentioned, "I received 3 calls in July, one in August, and one now. These calls cannot be legitimate, if they were actually collect calls then the person at the other end would be able to leave a name. Nice try though." Miss said, "2 missed calls in 2 days... caller ID said Tellink which I know to be related to Global Tel-link. If redialed the goes to an automated service to set up an account. So I instead called GTL customer service… NOT SPAM... just requires a bit of detective work."

- If you get calls from this number, you should verify with GTL customer service.
- Check caller ID for Tellink or Global Tel-link association.
- Be cautious if asked for personal or credit card information.

Overall, opinions about the number 800-483-8314 vary greatly. Some people think it's a scam, while others believe it might be legitimate if verified. It's best to remain cautious and verify the details directly with GTL's customer service.

Do I Really Need To Remove 8004838314 From My Credit Report?

Yes, you should remove 800-483-8314 from your credit report if it's there and potentially inaccurate. This number is commonly linked to GTL AdvancePay, often as a collection account. Having this on your credit report can damage your credit score and hinder your ability to secure loans or rent an apartment.

It's crucial that you don't hire a typical credit repair company since many are ineffective and deceptive. Disputing it yourself can be time-consuming and exhausting. Instead, we advise you to reach out to a reputable credit repair company, like The Credit Pros. They can handle the issue effectively and efficiently, ensuring that inaccurate information is challenged and removed. You’ll benefit from their expertise without the hassle of doing it yourself.

As a final point, remember to remove 800-483-8314 if it's inaccurate, avoid typical credit repair scams, and consider reputable services like The Credit Pros to handle it for you.

Wondering if you should remove this number from your report? Speak with us to find out. Call (888) 488-5855

Here are other formats 8004838314 can be written

- +1 800-483-8314
- +1 (800) 483-8314
- +1 800 483 8314
- (800) 483-8314
- 800-483-8314
- 800.483.8314
- 800 483 8314
- +18004838314
- (800) 483-8314
- 800.483.8314
- 8004838314

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Below is a list of every other phone number that GTL AdvancePay uses::

Every number you see below is separate number that ‘Collection’ uses to attempt to collect a potentially inaccurate debt on your credit report and/or spam you.

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