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Credit Repair & Restoration for Our Troops from The Credit Pros


Supporting Our Troops: Credit Repair & Restoration with The Credit Pros

Nationally recognized credit repair company, The Credit Pros, is doing their share of showing support for our troops with their impressive credit repair program. The Credit Pros has developed an exclusive offer for both active and retired military personnel. The offer is proving to be a hit.   Some forms of security clearance and military advancement require good credit scores and a healthy credit report. Bad credit scores can potentially prevent thousands of members of the United States armed forces from achieving career goals and financial security. Active serviceman Hector Cabral, currently serving in Afghanistan, hired The Credit Pros to improve his scores to advance his career. “The Credit Pros did a phenomenal job of taking care of everything that was needed….and I am now able to purchase my first home when I get back from serving my country”, proclaimed Mr. Cabral.

“The stories we receive like these are one of the main reasons why I went into credit repair and restoration, but when we’re able to make a difference in the lives of the men and women who risk their lives every day for us, that makes it extra special,” said Attorney and President of The Credit Pros, Jason M. Kaplan, Esq.   Jason M. Kaplan, Esq. and his team of Certified FICO Consultants plan to expand their efforts in working with the military by offering an exclusive discount to active duty, reservists, and veterans of the US armed forces. Mr. Kaplan went on to say, “As the requirements for good standing credit continue to increase, we will continue to improve our efforts….especially for our troops!” `

The Credit Pros is a nationally recognized company, licensed and bonded throughout the United States. A leader in credit repair and restoration services, The Credit Pros maintains an A-rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The Credit Pros is owned and operated by Jason M. Kaplan, Esq, a nationally recognized credit repair expert and author, and sitting board member of the National Association of Credit Services Organization (NASCO).   For more information on The Credit Pros, call 800-411-3050

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