Who Is 6022213938 (+ How Are They Hurting My Credit Score)
- Phone number 6022213938 is likely a debt collector called:' Chase Auto Collections'.
- Your credit score likely dropped because this is potentially a debt collection on your report.
- Chat with the Credit Pros and learn how we can help you potentially improve your score.
Pull your 3-bureau report and don't let this number cause bigger problems.
•89 people started their credit fight today - join them!
That number, 6022213938, keeps ringing your phone off the hook and causing you stress. It might be spam, a scam, or a debt collector like Chase Auto Collections. If it's a debt collector, ignoring the calls might give you temporary peace, but it won't solve the problem.
Debt collectors buy old debts and try to collect what you allegedly owe through relentless calls. Face this issue head-on instead of just blocking their number. Blocking may stop the calls, but it won’t prevent a hit to your credit score.
Call The Credit Pros today. We'll review your entire 3-bureau credit report for free, help you verify if this is a debt collector, and check for any inaccuracies. We've helped countless people boost their scores by removing potentially inaccurate items. A better credit score and no more harassing calls could be just a phone call away. Take action now to improve your financial health!
On This Page:
Who Is 6022213938: Scam Or Legitimate
The phone number 6022213938 might be from Chase Auto Collections, but it could also be a scam. It's important that you don't engage with the caller directly. You don’t need to pay any debt immediately if you have doubts about its legitimacy. You should check your credit report for any potentially inaccurate negative items that could be affecting your score. If this number appears related to a collection or negative item, it might be legitimate, but it’s still best not to respond based on just the call itself.
Here’s what we advise you to do next:
• Pull your credit report and analyze it for any inaccurate negative items.
• Call us for a free 3-bureau credit report evaluation.
• The Credit Pros can help you verify any debt, dispute inaccuracies, and improve your financial prospects.
To sum up, make sure you check your credit report for inaccuracies, call us for a free evaluation, and let The Credit Pros assist you in verifying debts and improving your credit health.
How Do I Stop 6022213938 From Harassing Me (How To Report Them)
You can stop 6022213938 from harassing you by taking these steps:
First, document all unwanted calls. Keep a detailed log with dates, times, and any abusive language. This gives you solid evidence if needed.
Next, register your number at DoNotCall.gov to reduce unsolicited calls. It only takes about 2 minutes.
Then, block the number using your phone’s call-blocking feature or contact your service provider for help.
If the calls persist, consider these escalating measures:
- Get a restraining order if you feel threatened.
- Hire a harassment lawyer to guide you on the best course of action.
- Send a cease and desist letter using a template from eforms.com.
You can also use call-blocking apps:
- For Android: Try 'Call Blocker - Stop spam calls'.
- For Apple: Use 'Robokiller: Spam Call Blocker'.
Report the calls to federal agencies:
- File a complaint at FCC Complaints for illegal robocalls.
- Report violations at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.
You should also report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB):
- Document all interactions and submit a complaint online at CFPB Complaint or call (855) 411-2372.
For extra protection, use Nomorobo if you are a subscriber. Additionally, contact your phone carrier to ask about call-blocking tools they offer.
Finally, check with your local or state consumer protection office for more resources or complaint mechanisms specific to your area.
To wrap things up - ensure you keep a record of the harassment, block the number, use call-blocking tools, and report the issue to appropriate agencies to effectively stop the calls and protect yourself.
Stop the harassment today. Reach out to us for expert help. Chat with us now
Should I Block Or Ignore 6022213938
You should block the number 6022213938. If you ignore the calls, you might continue receiving them, causing unnecessary stress. Blocking stops them immediately.
If it's a debt collector, blocking the number can prevent harassment. Your credit score won't suffer just from blocking and ignoring them. If the debt is already on your credit report, blocking the numbers does not make it worse.
Here's what you can do:
- Block the number to stop calls and messages immediately.
- Work with a reputable credit repair company to clear up any inaccuracies on your credit report.
In the end, blocking the number 6022213938 and working with a credit repair company reduces stress and helps manage your credit report effectively.
Can A Debt Collector Like 6022213938 Sue Me
Yes, a debt collector like 6022213938 can sue you, but it's very unlikely. They typically only resort to lawsuits if the debt is substantial, usually over $5,000, and if they think it's worth the effort and cost.
For them to sue you, they must prove you owe the debt, the amount is accurate, and they have the legal right to sue you. This can be tough, especially if the debt has been sold multiple times. Suing is expensive and time-consuming, so many debt collectors prefer to settle out of court.
Debt collectors often choose easier methods like calls and letters to collect the debt first. There's also a statute of limitations in each state, which means if the debt is old, they might not be able to sue you.
If they do sue, you will get a court summons and complaint. You must respond to avoid a default judgment, which could lead to wage garnishment or bank account levies, though this is still very unlikely.
Remember, you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to protect you from abusive practices. If you receive a lawsuit, it’s best to consult with an attorney to understand your options and defenses.
As a final point, it's crucial to remember that while a debt collector like 6022213938 can sue you, it's rare, and you have legal protections and potential defenses.
Worried about legal action? Contact us to understand your rights. Chat with us now
6022213938 Might Have Your Personal Information
6022213938 might have your personal information. You should avoid providing any information to debt collectors like this one. It's best if you don't even pick up their calls to prevent unintentionally giving out sensitive details. Blocking the number is your best option.
Instead of engaging with them, you should focus on obtaining your 3-bureau credit report. Building a comprehensive plan to improve your credit is crucial based on what you find. Working with a reputable credit repair company can be very helpful. They know the ins and outs of credit repair and can ensure everything is handled correctly.
Here's what we advise you to do:
• Block the number immediately to avoid stress and potential scams.
• Get your 3-bureau credit report to see where you stand.
• Consider hiring a reputable credit repair company to dispute inaccuracies and improve your credit score.
Bringing it all together – by blocking the number, checking your credit report, and possibly working with a credit repair company, you protect your personal information and build a better financial future.
Protect your personal information. Speak with our experts today. Chat with us now
Types Of Debt Collected By 6022213938
The types of debt collected by 6022213938 typically include auto loans, personal loans, credit card debts, and sometimes unpaid utility bills. They usually work on behalf of creditors such as auto finance companies, focusing on recouping the owed amounts directly from you or negotiating settlements if necessary.
You might find them pursuing various financial obligations. This number might contact you due to missed payments on these debts, aiming to recover the amount quickly. They could also escalate cases to lawyers for further legal action if needed.
All things considered, knowing the types of debt collected by 6022213938 helps you manage your repayments effectively and avoid unnecessary stress.
How Do I Check If I Owe Money To 6022213938
To check if you owe money to 6022213938, start by gathering your records. Look for any overdue bills or final notices you might have received. Check your credit report for any outstanding debts listed.
Next, you should request debt validation from the collection agency. By law, they must provide you with details about the debt. Send a written request to ensure the debt is legitimate.
• Avoid giving out personal information until you're sure who you're dealing with.
• Consider contacting a consumer protection lawyer if you face harassment or have disputes.
• Be cautious about engaging directly, as it might restart the statute of limitations on old debts.
Lastly, block the number if necessary and report it to your carrier’s scam shield app.
Need to verify your debts? Contact us for a thorough check. Chat with us now
Which Debt Collection Laws And Regulations Protect Me From 6022213938
To protect yourself from debt collectors such as 6022213938, you have several laws and regulations on your side.
First, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects you from abusive, deceptive, or unfair practices by third-party debt collectors. They can't contact you before 8 AM or after 9 PM, use abusive language, make threats, or harass you. They're also forbidden from false representation and disclosing your debt to others.
State debt collection laws might offer additional protections. For example, in New York, debt collectors must meet specific licensing requirements.
You have several consumer rights and protections, including:
• Validation Notice: Collectors must send you a written notice with the amount owed, the creditor's name, and your rights to dispute the debt.
• Debt Dispute: If you dispute the debt in writing within 30 days, collection efforts must stop until the debt is verified.
• Stop Communication: You can request collectors to stop contacting you in writing, except for certain notifications like legal actions.
• Attorney Representation: Communicate only through your attorney if you have legal representation.
To stay proactive, you should keep detailed records of all communications with collectors, verify the legitimacy of the debt and the collector, and use your rights to dispute the debt and stop communications.
Finally, remember the core points: use the FDCPA for protection, leverage state laws for additional security, and utilize your consumer rights to manage and contest any debt collection efforts effectively.
Does 6022213938/Chase Auto Collections Have Any Lawsuits Against Them
Yes, Chase Auto Collections has faced lawsuits. One notable case is Olstad vs. Chase Auto Finance Corporation, filed in March 2017, alleging Chase Auto Finance repossessed a fully paid car, violating the Wisconsin Consumer Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Another significant lawsuit was filed by California State Attorney General Kamala Harris against JPMorgan Chase, accusing them of fraudulent practices and debt-collection abuses against around 100,000 credit card borrowers between 2008 and 2011.
You should be aware that many consumers have also filed complaints about Chase Auto's debt collection practices, including issues with billing, customer service, and improper credit reporting.
If Chase Auto contacts you, it's essential that you understand your rights before taking action. Consulting with a lawyer or a consumer protection agency can help you navigate any related issues.
In closing, Chase Auto Collections has indeed had lawsuits against them. Understanding your rights is crucial, and seeking legal or professional advice may be beneficial if you face similar issues.
What Do People Online Say About 6022213938
People online have mentioned a few things about the number 6022213938. Here's what some have said:
- 'Investigator FTC DNC Spamlist reported number 6022213938 as Spam Call received in Omaha, Nebraska.' - User from tellows
- 'This number is reported as a spam call and it's blocked by the RealCall app which has been effective in blocking robocalls.' - RealCall user
From these comments, it seems this number is associated with spam or robocalls, causing annoyance and prompting users to block it.
We hope this info helps you understand the context and implications of getting calls from this number. If you have any other questions or need assistance with managing such calls, let us know.
Overall, people suggest that 6022213938 is linked with spam calls, and blocking the number appears to be the best way to avoid disturbances.
Do I Really Need To Remove 6022213938 From My Credit Report
Yes, you should consider removing the collection 6022213938 from your credit report if you identify it as potentially inaccurate. Handling this on your own can be time-consuming and stressful. Instead of turning to typical credit repair companies, which often have poor reputations, you should seek help from a reputable credit repair company like 'The Credit Pros.'
First, confirm the collection is on your report and flagged as potentially inaccurate. Then, avoid engaging with typical credit repair companies due to their poor track records. Lastly, consider reaching out to a reputable company for efficient and effective dispute resolution.
As a final point - confirm the collection is incorrect, steer clear from unreliable credit repair companies, and get help from a reputable firm like 'The Credit Pros' for better results.
Wondering if you should remove this number from your report? Speak with us to find out. Chat with us now
List of every other phone number that Chase Auto Collections uses:
Every number you see below is separate number that ‘Collection’ uses to attempt to collect a potentially inaccurate debt on your credit report and/or spam you.