Who is 6179585000 and why are they calling me?
- Phone number 6179585000 is likely a debt collector called:' The CCS Companies'.
- Es probable que su puntaje crediticio haya disminuido porque esto es potencialmente un cobro de deudas en su informe.
- Chatee con los profesionales de crédito y descubra cómo podemos ayudarlo a mejorar potencialmente su puntaje.
Realice su informe de las tres agencias y no permita que este número le cause problemas mayores.
•89 personas comenzaron su lucha por el crédito hoy: ¡únete a ellos!
617-958-5000 belongs to CCS Companies, a debt collection agency. If you’re getting calls from this number, check your free 3-bureau credit report for any inaccuracies. Ignoring these calls can lead to more serious consequences, like a drop in your credit score.
Document each call to stop the harassment—note the date, time, and details of the conversation. Blocking the number is also good; use your phone’s blocking feature or apps like 'RoboKiller'. Don't pay any debt without first confirming its legitimacy. Filing complaints with the FCC and FTC can also provide additional protection.
For the best support, call The Credit Pros at 617-958-5000. We’ll help sort out your credit report, verify any alleged debt, and ensure your rights are protected. We’ll have a no-pressure conversation to walk you through every step, ensuring you’re fully informed and confident in your financial standing. Don’t wait—reach out and protect your credit today.
En esta página:
Who Is 6179585000: Scam Or Legitimate
The number 6179585000 is likely associated with The CCS Companies, a debt collection agency. However, you should approach this cautiously. We advise you not to engage with the caller directly. You're not required to pay any alleged debt right away, especially if you're unsure about the details. Instead, here's what we recommend you do:
• Obtenga su informe de crédito gratuito de 3 oficinas
• Verifique si hay elementos negativos potencialmente inexactos en su informe
• Bloquear el número para detener futuras llamadas
If you see this company as a collection on your report, it might be a legitimate call. Still, it's best that you don't respond. We at The Credit Pros can help you:
• Verificar cualquier deuda de este cobrador
• Disputar elementos negativos potencialmente inexactos
• Mejore su perspectiva financiera general
Remember, whether it's a scam or legitimate, you should take the same next steps. Get your credit report and look for any issues. We've helped thousands of people deal with similar situations. You should give us a call, and we'll provide a free evaluation of your credit report. We're here to support you in navigating this tricky situation and boosting your financial health.
To wrap things up, you should focus on protecting yourself by checking your credit report, blocking the number, and seeking professional help if needed. We're here to guide you through this process and help you take control of your financial situation.
How Do I Stop 6179585000 From Harassing Me (How To Report Them)
To stop 6179585000 from harassing you, you can take several effective steps. Here's what we advise you to do:
First, you should document every call. Keep a log with dates, times, and what was said. This evidence will help you if things get worse.
Next, don't engage with the caller. You shouldn't answer or return calls, and you must avoid giving out any personal information.
Blocking the number is crucial. You can register your number at DoNotCall.gov and use your phone's call-blocking feature. For extra protection, we recommend you try apps like 'Call Blocker - Stop spam calls' for Android or 'Robokiller: Spam Call Blocker' for Apple.
Reporting to authorities is an important step. Here's how you can do it:
• File a complaint with the FCC at fcc.gov/complaints and select 'unwanted calls.'
• Reporte las llamadas de telemercadeo a la FTC en ReportFraud.ftc.gov.
• Presente una queja ante la CFPB en consumerfinance.gov/complaint o llame al (855) 411-2372.
Don't forget to contact your phone carrier. They can tell you about their call-blocking tools and options.
If the harassment continues, you might need to escalate:
• Envíe una carta de cese y desistimiento utilizando una plantilla de eforms.com/cease-and-desist/.
• Considere una orden de restricción si las llamadas se vuelven amenazantes.
• Consult a harassment lawyer for persistent issues.
Additional resources are available to help you. If you use Nomorobo, you can report robocalls directly through their platform. You should also check with your local or state consumer protection office for more resources.
To finish up, remember you're not alone in this. By taking these steps, you can effectively stop and report the harassment. Stay strong, and don't hesitate to seek help if you need it.
Ponga fin al acoso hoy mismo. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener ayuda de expertos. Chatea con nosotros ahora
Should I Block Or Ignore 6179585000
You should block 6179585000. We advise this because blocking stops unwanted calls without consequences, doesn't affect your credit score, and you're not obligated to engage with debt collectors.
We understand dealing with these calls is stressful. Here's what we recommend you do:
• Bloquea el número en tu teléfono
• Don't worry about your credit score dropping just from blocking
• Considere trabajar con una empresa de reparación de crédito con buena reputación.
If you work with a credit repair company, they can help you remove inaccurate negative items from your credit report. They'll handle communications so you don't have to deal with harassing calls yourself.
Remember, you have rights. By blocking the number, you're protecting your peace of mind. While you're doing this, professionals can address any legitimate issues on your behalf.
To finish up, you should block 6179585000, don't stress about your credit score, and consider getting professional help. We're here to support you through this process, so you can regain control and peace of mind.
Can A Debt Collector Like 6179585000 Sue Me
Yes, a debt collector like 6179585000 can sue you, but it's very unlikely. They typically only sue as a last resort when you owe a substantial amount, often over $5,000.
You should know that debt collectors must prove you owe the debt, the amount is correct, and they have the legal right to sue. This can be challenging for them, especially if the debt has changed hands multiple times. Suing is expensive and time-consuming, so many collectors prefer to settle out of court.
Keep in mind that each state has a specific time frame (statute of limitations) within which they can sue you. If your debt is old, a lawsuit is less likely. Collectors usually prefer other methods like calls and letters to collect the debt first.
If they do decide to sue, you'll receive a court summons and complaint. You must respond to this within the specified deadline to avoid a default judgment, which could lead to wage garnishment or bank account levies.
Remember, you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This protects you from abusive or deceptive practices by debt collectors. Here's what we advise you to do:
• Don't ignore the situation, as it won't go away on its own.
• Verify the debt's legitimacy before taking any action.
• Considere negociar un acuerdo si la deuda es válida.
If you receive a lawsuit, we strongly recommend that you consult with an attorney. They can help you understand your options and potential defenses.
To finish up, remember that while debt collectors can sue, it's not their first choice. You have rights, and there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Stay informed, respond promptly to any legal notices, and don't hesitate to seek professional help if needed.
¿Le preocupan las acciones legales? Contáctenos para conocer sus derechos. Chatea con nosotros ahora
6179585000 Might Have Your Personal Information
You need to be cautious about 6179585000 having your personal information. This number is linked to debt collector calls, and you shouldn't provide any personal details to unknown callers. To protect your data, it's best if you don't answer calls from this number.
Esto es lo que te recomendamos hacer:
• Get your free credit reports from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This will help you understand your current credit situation.
• Make a plan to boost your credit. Start by looking for any mistakes in your credit report and challenge them.
• Think about working with a trusted credit repair company. They can help you fix errors and improve your credit score effectively.
We understand this situation can be stressful. Remember, you're not alone in dealing with these issues. By taking these steps, you're actively protecting yourself and improving your financial health.
To finish up, don't engage with unknown callers, check your credit reports, and consider professional help to improve your credit. You've got this!
Proteja su información personal. Hable hoy mismo con nuestros expertos. Chatea con nosotros ahora
Types Of Debt Collected By 6179585000
If you receive calls from 6179585000, you're likely dealing with a debt collection agency. This company typically collects various types of overdue debts, including:
• Saldos de tarjetas de crédito
• Personal loan payments
• Facturas médicas
• Recibos de servicios públicos
• Pagos de préstamos para automóviles
You should know that these debts are usually 30-90 days past due before they're sent to collections. The agency works on behalf of original creditors or may have purchased your debt outright.
If you've co-signed a loan or are an authorized user on a credit card, you might also be contacted about these outstanding amounts. It's crucial that you verify any debt they claim you owe before taking action.
Entendemos que tratar con cobradores de deudas puede ser estresante. Esto es lo que le recomendamos que haga:
1. Request debt verification in writing
2. Review your credit report for accuracy
3. Understand your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
To finish up, remember that you have options when dealing with debt collectors. Don't panic – take a deep breath, gather information, and seek professional advice if needed. You've got this!
How Do I Check If I Owe Money To 6179585000
To check if you owe money to 6179585000, you should start by reviewing your personal records. Look through your past financial documents, including final bills, account statements, and equipment return receipts, to see if there's any mention of outstanding debts.
Next, you need to examine your credit report. Check if any debts associated with this number appear. If you find a debt, it's crucial that you request debt validation from the collections agency. This step ensures the debt is accurate and truly belongs to you. Remember, you shouldn't directly engage with the debt collector initially, as this could restart the statute of limitations on the debt.
If you're unsure about the situation or facing harassment over disputed debts, we advise you to consult a consumer protection lawyer. They can help you understand your rights and potentially reduce any harassment you're experiencing.
Before taking any further steps, you should gather as much documentation as possible from your records and credit reports. This proactive approach can help you:
• Prevent issues with inaccurate collection efforts
• Protect your credit score
• Understand the full scope of your financial situation
To finish up, remember that you have the power to take control of this situation. By carefully reviewing your records, checking your credit report, and seeking professional advice if needed, you can effectively address any potential debts and protect your financial well-being.
¿Necesita verificar sus deudas? Contáctenos para una verificación exhaustiva. Chatea con nosotros ahora
Which Debt Collection Laws And Regulations Protect Me From 6179585000
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is your main protection against unfair debt collection practices related to 6179585000. This federal law prohibits third-party debt collectors from using abusive, deceptive, or unfair tactics when collecting personal, family, and household debts.
Según la FDCPA, usted tiene varios derechos:
• No podremos contactarte antes de las 8 a. m. ni después de las 9 p. m.
• Los cobradores no pueden llamarlo a su trabajo si su empleador lo prohíbe.
• No pueden usar lenguaje abusivo ni amenazarte.
• They must provide a validation notice with details about your debt.
If a debt collector violates these rules, you can take action. You have the right to dispute the debt within 30 days of receiving the validation notice. If you do this, the collector must stop collection efforts until they verify the debt.
You can also demand that the collector stop contacting you altogether. It's important that you make this request in writing. Once you do, they can only contact you to inform you of specific actions, like filing a lawsuit.
Remember, many states have additional debt collection laws that might offer you extra protections. For example, New York has stricter licensing requirements for debt collectors and additional consumer safeguards under the Consumer Credit Fairness Act.
We understand dealing with debt collectors can be stressful. If you believe a collector is violating your rights, you have options. You can file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or your state's attorney general.
To finish up, you should know your rights, keep records of all communications, and don't hesitate to seek legal advice if needed. We're here to help you navigate this challenging situation and ensure your rights are protected.
Does 6179585000/The Ccs Companies Have Any Lawsuits Against Them
Yes, The CCS Companies has faced lawsuits and complaints. Here's what you need to know:
• Berkowitz v. CCS Credit Collection Services: Filed in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York. The plaintiff alleged CCS violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act by contacting her directly after being notified of attorney representation.
• Better Business Bureau: Over 900 consumer complaints in three years, including harassment and inaccurate reporting.
• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: More than 200 complaints about harassment, fraudulent debts, and credit score impacts.
You should be aware of your rights when dealing with CCS. We recommend you:
1. Document all communications with CCS.
2. Know your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
3. Dispute any inaccuracies in writing.
4. Consider seeking legal advice if you feel your rights have been violated.
To finish up, remember that you have the power to protect yourself. If CCS contacts you, stay calm and know that you have options to address any issues professionally and legally.
What Do People Online Say About 6179585000
Based on online discussions, many people report receiving frequent calls from 617-958-5000. Here's what you need to know:
You'll likely encounter negative experiences if this number contacts you. Users describe the calls as annoying, occurring at inconvenient times like early mornings. The caller is identified as CCS Companies, a debt collection agency.
If you receive calls from this number, here's what we advise you to do:
• Block the number on your phone to stop the disruptions
• No interactúe directamente con la persona que llama si responde
• Request written verification of any alleged debts
• Check your credit report for inaccuracies
You should be aware that some users report aggressive tactics when interacting with this caller. It's crucial that you know your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This law protects you from harassment and unfair practices.
We understand dealing with debt collectors can be stressful. Remember, you have options. If the calls persist or you're unsure about a debt, consider contacting a credit counseling service for guidance. They can help you understand your situation and develop a plan.
To wrap things up, your best course of action is to block the number and verify any claims before taking further steps. This way, you'll protect yourself from potential harassment while addressing any legitimate issues responsibly.
Do I Really Need To Remove 6179585000 From My Credit Report
You absolutely need to remove 6179585000 from your credit report if it's inaccurate. Don't waste your time with typical credit repair companies - they're often scammy and ineffective. We at The Credit Pros can help you tackle this issue efficiently and save you hours of frustration.
Esto es lo que le recomendamos que haga:
• Verifique si la colección está realmente en su informe
• Determinar si es potencialmente inexacto
• Bloquear el número para detener llamadas no deseadas
• Get help from a trusted credit repair service like us
We understand this situation is stressful for you. That's why we're here to guide you through the process step by step. Our team has the expertise to help you remove potentially inaccurate items and improve your credit score.
You don't have to let this collection weigh you down. By taking action now, you're protecting your financial future. When you reach out to us, we'll work together to clean up your credit report and set you on the path to better financial health.
To finish up, remember that you're not alone in this. You have the power to take control of your credit situation, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Give us a call, and let's get started on improving your credit today.
¿Quiere saber si debería eliminar este número de su informe? Hable con nosotros para averiguarlo. Chatea con nosotros ahora
Lista de todos los demás números de teléfono que utiliza The CCS Companies:
Cada número que ve a continuación es un número separado que 'Cobranza' utiliza para intentar cobrar una deuda potencialmente inexacta en su informe de crédito y/o enviarle spam.